How does the manufacturing process affect the service life of diesel generator sets?

The service life of the diesel generator set is related to the materials used to manufacture the set equipment. The material quality of the diesel generator set directly affects the service life of the equipment. If the material is good enough, the life of the diesel generator set will be longer. Generally speaking, the units made by excellent diesel generator set manufacturers will use cast steel, which is the national standard steel. The thickness or quality of steel shall conform to national standards. The service life of a diesel generator set is closely related to the manufacturing materials of its equipment.
In addition to the materials for manufacturing diesel generator sets, there are also manufacturing and processing techniques for manufacturing unit equipment. When diesel generator set manufacturers have better manufacturing and processing techniques for their equipment, diesel generator sets will last longer. Generally speaking, excellent manufacturing and processing technology means that the welding and grinding process of generator sets can be more detailed, and strong production technology can make the operation of power generation equipment safer. Therefore, the equipment manufacturing process also affects the service life of the diesel generator set.
Production and manufacturing process quality play a key role in generator quality. During the production and operation of diesel generator sets, it is necessary to strengthen the quality control and refined management of the production process, strengthen the maintenance, control and construction process of all aspects of production and manufacturing, and establish a reasonable, effective and complete quality control system for the processing process to improve production. Manufacturing, improve the quality of diesel generator sets, and promote the healthy use of diesel generator sets.
The above two points are about the internal factors of diesel generator sets. Next, let’s talk about the factors that affect the use of diesel generator sets. This is the maintenance we will need to do when we use the generator set in the future. Every type of diesel generator set equipment requires routine maintenance to ensure the diesel generator set can be used for a long time. Many genset users report broken equipment parts or short equipment life due to a lack of emphasis on maintenance. Therefore, after the unit is completed, the diesel generator set should be cleaned, repaired and maintained to prolong the service life of the diesel generator set.
The production and manufacture of diesel generator sets needs to go through several production processes. The entire production process involves hundreds of construction processes and performance parameters. If one step is abnormal, it will affect the quality of the entire diesel generator set. Therefore, in the production process, the supervision and inspection of the production process quality of diesel generator sets should be strengthened to improve the technological level and ensure product quality. In the production process, scientifically and standardly distribute the raw materials of diesel generator sets, control the construction process, reasonably and effectively identify the production and manufacturing steps and processing process control that play an increasingly important role in the production and manufacturing quality of diesel generator sets, and reasonably and effectively ensure The implementation of various quality management work for diesel generator sets.
Strengthen the quality management of the manufacturing process and the construction process, flexibly use modern manufacturing technology to comprehensively sort out the construction process, and formulate high-quality and operable basic parameters of the production and processing process suitable for the development of the enterprise, so as to improve the quality management of the entire diesel generator set. management ability.


Post time: Jun-09-2022