Yuchai generator does not produce power fault diagnosis method?

Yuchai generator does not generate power failure at this time, we need to carry out a detailed diagnosis of the equipment, so as to find out the problem, here is a detailed look.

1. The generator belt loosens, slips, breaks and coking.

2. The generator indicator light is abnormal or burned out, and the generator is wrongly judged not to generate power.

3. Generator burned down:

(1) The battery loses power due to long-term use of aging, so that the generator is in the power generation state for a long time, which is easy to cause the generator and other electrical appliances to burn;

(2) When the generator is disassembled and assembled and the vehicle is welding, the connection between the battery and the generator must be disconnected to prevent the generator and its line from burning down;

The overload of the generator leads to the overheating of the generator.

4. The external wiring of the generator is loose and the lap iron is in poor contact; The generator must be well connected to the storage battery.

The above is about the Yuchai generator does not produ12.13有ce power fault diagnosis method.

Post time: Dec-13-2022