What are the problems in the maintenance of diesel generator sets?

When the diesel generator set fails, it should be detected by the detection equipment; If there is no detection equipment, the traditional fault judgment method of “ask, look, check, test” and other means can be combined with the structure and working principle of the equipment to determine the possible fault location. Maintenance is carried out in the order from simple to complex, first appearance and then interior, first assembly and then parts. Here for everyone summarized a few improper methods in the maintenance of diesel generator set, pay more attention to the operation, in order to prevent damage to the unit.
1, blindly replace parts
The judgment and elimination of the generator set fault is relatively difficult, but not large and small parts, as long as it is thought that the parts that may cause the fault, one by one replacement test. As a result, the fault was not eliminated, and the parts that should not be replaced were replaced at will. Some faulty parts can be completely repaired to restore their technical performance, such as generators, gear oil pumps, etc., failure, do not need complex repair process can be repaired. In the maintenance, the cause and location of the fault should be carefully analyzed according to the fault phenomenon, and the repair method should be taken to restore the technical performance of the parts that can be repaired.
2. Do not pay attention to detecting the gap between parts
Commonly used diesel generator maintenance, piston and cylinder liner clearance, piston ring “three gaps”, piston top clearance, valve clearance, plunger clearance, brake shoe clearance, main and slave gear mesh clearance, bearing axial and radial clearance, valve rod and valve guide clearance, etc., all types of models have strict requirements, must be measured during maintenance. Parts that do not meet clearance requirements should be adjusted or replaced. In the actual maintenance work, there are many phenomena of blind assembly of parts without measuring the fit gap, resulting in early bearing wear or ablation, diesel generator oil burning, starting difficulties or deflagellation, piston ring breaking, machine parts impact, oil leakage, air leakage and other failures. Sometimes even due to improper clearance of parts, resulting in serious mechanical damage accidents.
3, equipment assembly parts installed reverse
In the maintenance of equipment, some parts assembly has strict direction requirements; Only the correct installation can ensure the normal work of the parts. Some parts of the external characteristics are not obvious, positive and negative can be installed, in the actual work often reverse loading, resulting in early damage to parts, machinery can not work normally, equipment damage accidents. Such as engine cylinder gasket, unequal distance valve spring, engine piston, piston ring, fan blade, gear oil pump side plate, skeleton oil seal, thrust washer, thrust bearing, thrust gasket, oil baffle ring, injection pump plunger, clutch friction disc hub, transmission shaft universal joint and other parts in the installation, if you do not understand the structure and installation precautions, easy to install reverse. Resulting in abnormal work after assembly, resulting in equipment failure. Therefore, when assembling parts, maintenance personnel must master the structure and installation direction of the parts.
4, the maintenance operation method is irregular
In the maintenance of diesel generator sets, do not take the correct maintenance method, that emergency measures are omnipotent, to “emergency” instead of “maintenance”, “symptoms do not cure the root” phenomenon is still many. Such as often encountered “welding instead of repair”, is an example. Some parts could be repaired, but some maintenance personnel want to save trouble, but often use the “welding dead” method; In order to make the diesel generator “strong”, artificially increase the fuel supply of the injection pump and increase the injection pressure of the injector.
5, the unit maintenance can not correctly judge and analyze the fault
Some maintenance personnel due to the mechanical structure of the equipment, the principle is not very clear, without careful analysis of the cause of the failure, not very accurate judgment of the fault location, then the equipment disassembly and maintenance, the result not only failed to eliminate the original fault, there may be new problems.
For these irregular maintenance methods can only be emergency, but not long-term use, we must fundamentally find out the cause of the failure, take regular maintenance methods to eliminate the fault.


Post time: Jun-27-2023